Thursday, January 10, 2019

GIS Technician with Travis Central Appraisal District

Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD) is seeking candidates for a GIS Technician. This position will review, identify and accurately update & draw recorded subdivisions, condominiums, Deeds, Rights of Way, surveys, condemnations and taxing entity boundary changes utilizing the metes and bounds descriptions in those documents. Conduct ownership and acreage research. Administer taxing
entity codes, prorate procedures, merging and splitting parcels. Update and maintain situs addresses. Entering all in an appraisal database and a GIS database. Identify improvements and other objects on aerial photographs, produce hard copy maps, pdf maps and shapefiles as requested and assist
other divisions, agencies and the general public with information regarding real property issues, the availability and latest update made on appraisal district maps.

Visit the TCAD Careers web page for the full job description and to apply for this position.

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