Thursday, April 29, 2021

You're Invited: ACC GIS Virtual Capstone Presentations Friday, 4/30 from 4:30-7 PM

You are invited to support our Level 1 GIS Certificate students as they give their Capstone presentations on Friday, April 30th from 4:30 to 7 PM. They have worked hard all semester to design and complete an analysis project from start to finish. It's a very special day for them as they present their results for you. 

All are welcome to view the Zoom presentations and participate in the Q&A. 

Some topics you can look forward to hearing about are:
  • Blake Barber Is Nature Only for the Wealthy? Economic Status and Proximity to Green Spaces in Austin, Texas. 
  • Jeremy Leffingwell Analysis Support Tool for High Performance Racetracks 
  • Ryan Landes Site Suitability Analysis for a Day Spa 
  • Anthony Mechler Snowmaggedon 2021: Was it the coldest February in Austin? 
  • Liesel Shuholm Lake Tonle Sap: A Land Cover Change Detection Analysis, 2017-2019 
  • 6:00 PM Kristen Hanley Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Change in Port Aransas, Texas
  • 6:15 PM Leslie Ralston COVID Trends in South America with a focus on Colombia 
  • 6:30 PM Brion Burdett DWI Stops: Where are they in Austin (Travis County), Texas? 

Zoom Meeting Information 
 Meeting ID: 997 5649 3885 
Passcode: 099853 
One tap mobile 
+13462487799,,99756493885#,,,,*099853# US (Houston) 
+16699006833,,99756493885#,,,,*099853# US (San Jose) 

Dial by your location 
 +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 
 +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 
 888 475 4499 US Toll-free 
 833 548 0276 US 
Toll-free 833 548 0282 
US Toll-free 877 853 5257
US Toll-free 

Meeting ID: 997 5649 3885 Passcode: 099853

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